Saturday, February 8, 2025

UK Stadiums introduce ‘Payday Loan outlets’ to assist with the purchase of onsite catering.

A selection of Football and cricket stadiums across the UK are set to introduce Payday loan facilities at their grounds in an effort to...

“Super Soppers” brought in to fight flood battle

County cricket grounds have been asked to lend their water gathering ‘Super Soppers’ to help in the effort against the large storm battering areas...

Oval to be ‘re-shaped’ in controversial new sponsorship deal.

The world famous Oval cricket ground in Kennington, London is rumoured to be re-shaped under conditions imposed by the venue’s new brand partner. US Internet...

ECB announce secret meeting

The ECB has announced a special secret meeting with players to discuss details of their proposed City Franchise tournament. With rumours surfacing of player confusion...

ECB to propose new, dreadful T20 competition to make first plan look better.

Executives at the ECB are set to announce details of a new, woefully awful countrywide T20 competition for 2017/18 in an effort to make...

ECB investigate staging New City Franchise cricket in car parks

Following the recent set backs in locating suitable venues for the ECB’s new City T20 Franchise, the management of the proposed format have taken...